I am Ivey Mae McFarland and I have been interested in boys as soon as I found out they weren't girls. My large, run-on sentence family is from Chattanooga, Tennessee and transplanted to Coral Gables, Florida. None of my relatives are divorced. I can not claim the same but do not need to sort that mess out here and now. I will tell you however, that all my exes don't live in Texas and my mother...lives right next door.

Friday, December 31, 2010
I hear blades whooshing in the distance as a glow from the i.v. pole lights my way to the window. Wrapping myself in the thin hospital blanket I watch through the black city night. The walls around me endure stories that are haunting my soul, as down the hall a suffering child cries in vain for her momma. For most their mothers are no where to be found. I can hardly stand it. Looking back at Hayley sleeping peaceful in her bed causes tears of frustration to burn my eyes. I will keep fighting to help her. No one else will.