"Would you look at this!"
He says, startling me out of my dinner dishes concentration. Turning around from the sink window he is almost standing on top of me. It must be important. Usually he doesn't get up from the TV unless he has to use the bathroom or get another glass of wine.
"You scared me. Whats wrong?"
He leans down with disgust and points to his temple in horror and says
"Look look I'm loosing my hair!"
"Well move over a little and let me see."
Gently reaching my hand to touch his hair he jumps back and hollers.
"Be careful will ya! Take it easy! You're going to pull the rest out. Do you have to be so rough? Damn it. At this rate I'll be bald by the weekend and here you come ready to help it along."
Obviously a sensitive matter. I stifle my laugh while he retreats to the den.
Subsequent to this unsettling revelation of typical male balding, for three days he hid under a plant in the front yard after work. Then we had at least a full week of baseball caps, followed by weeks of I don't know? Rooster Hair? Cock-a-too hair? He let the top grow and it is sticking straight up.
With all of us gathered around the table for supper Hannah giggles, asking "Daddy what is wrong with your hair?"
"Nothing is wrong with my hair. Why? He barks back instantaneously.
Then both girls chime in laughing "Oh Daddy you look like a chicken or or a turkey or something that would fly."
That brought us to where we are now, at the gel-stage. We have mega-watt family size gel containers in all of the bathrooms. There are travel size gel tubes everywhere I turn. I have dried them in the dryer from his pockets, found them in all compartments of the cars and trucks, they've been used by the dogs as messy chew toys, and lost under the couch and in the bed. By mistake I packed one in his lunch thinking it was sanitizer. He probably thought I was giving him a hint.
Tonight the twins start laughing and ask "Daddy can you sing like Elvis too? This sends him to the den to retrieve his hat and he places it on top of the hair gel, for the remainder of the evening.
Before bed, the last thing he does is remove the hat.
If he didn't look like poultry before he sure does now, with hat hair.