Fresh fall air puts Chase in a good mood and he decides to buy us a new family vehicle. This is what happened.
I am not one to really care what kind of car I drive as long as it is safe and sound. I don't like the SUV types because they feel the wind more, so other than that, Chase has free rein to shop and buy whatever his heart desires.
After a couple weeks of Internet shopping, tonight after supper, he leaves to go pick up the new car, while I do dishes and eye my laptop, that is beckoning me to write.
Within the hour our daughter takes his call as he excitedly tells us to come outside. He will be driving up shortly in our new family vehicle, that is a complete surprise and his excitement is contagious. We immediately go out front and wait.
The three of us are lined up in the yard.
Our son, who is 6ft2inches, our daughter, just shy of 5ft8inches , and me 5ft6inches, eagerly awaiting our brand new ride.
All eyes are searching the street, then at once, we see a snow white pick up truck rolling our way in the early evening light.
While Chase turns the truck up our drive, I feel the puzzlement of my kids thought process, because it is the same as mine. There is a single cab. He bought a truck with a single cab. It is a beautiful new Ford 150.
We have four members in our family and more times than not, my mother rides with us. Our new family car, seats three.
As Chase emerges from the truck, our son speaks.
"Nice truck dad. Who's gonna ride in back with Granny?"