Saturday, April 23, 2011


    Morning came clear and bright with fire orange bottle brush flowers blooming against the egg blue sky.  Lying in bed I see the lake is still and quiet.  The smell of bacon frying and a faint sound of Hank Williams singing 'Your Cheatin Heart' float up the vaulted ceiling to my room, and I smile.  It's Easter.

   The thrill of diving into my basket is something I look forward to every year.  Our bunny does the best job.  After, we have a delicious spread of steaming biscuits and gravy, fresh Florida fruit and dad's famous grape juice icee, then scamper to dress for the arrival of our extended family.      

   Every holiday is fun at my house but especially whenever Aunt Edna comes over.  She is hilarious.  Lucy and I like to wait upstairs and peek out the window at our arriving guests.  We thought we were so invisible.

   Aunt Edna and Uncle are always first to arrive.  As a childless couple themselves they appreciate us with extra attention.  I am giddy with excitement watching them pull into the drive.  I love Easter!  Candy at every turn. 

   Zoning in on the contents of my Uncle's arms I spy white chocolate Rabbits and huge chocolate covered eggs tied in bright pink ribbon.   Mmmmmmm.  My sister interrupts my concentration . 

    "What is wrong with her lip?" she says pointing down as my Aunt walks towards the front door and is temporarily shaded by the huge almond tree.  Lucy is belly-laughing before I focus my attention away from more gifts my Uncle is unloading from their car.

    What now I wonder looking in her direction.  

   I too burst our loud laughing.  This lends my Aunt to glance up towards our open window giving us a clear view of her face. " What is wrong with her lip?" I reply as she waves us to come on down. 

   Not having to be asked twice I jump up and Lucy follows.  Running towards the stairs I  holler in the direction of my brother and sister's rooms "Aunt Edna and Uncle are here!"

   Bounding the stairs two at a time I land at the bottom just as mother opens the door and is taking the green beans out of my Aunts hands.  Wishing each other a Happy Easter my mother and her sister-in-law start to laugh as mom looks at her and asks.  "Edna! What have you done to yourself now ?

   Looking over at all us little girls scattering the staircase she starts to chuckle. 

 "Well girls, let your Auntie tell you something.  Just remember.  Never ever use a prescription strength retenoid on your upper lip to get rid of wrinkles at the same time as bleach hair remover so you don't look like a little old man and then forget you have it on while you nap for three hours.  Or, you too can have a bright red mustache for Easter!"